miércoles, julio 20, 2005

CUANDO NO SEPAS qué decirle a tu enemigo, difámale con tus propios defectos...

Capitalista is not always a wealthy fat cat; being a Capitalista is a state of mind rather than a reflection of affluence. A strident and extraordinarily self–satisfied Warrior, Capitalista takes every opportunity to extol the superiority of the free enterprise system and has a powerful aversion to the welfare states of Europe. Capitalista fiercely defends the market economy, bludgeoning “fuzzy-minded socialists” with Adam Smith, Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek. Though rather limited in his range of interests, Capitalista’s command of carefully selected historical facts, abstruse statistical comparisons and arcane economic theory make him a formidable foe.

Yo, por ejemplo, tengo otra opinión al respecto...

Progre is not always a wealthy fat cat; being a Progre is a state of mind rather than a reflection of affluence. A strident and extraordinarily self–satisfied Warrior, Progre takes every opportunity to extol the superiority of the interventionist system and has a powerful aversion to the free market around the world. Progre fiercely defends the social-democracy, bludgeoning “fuzzy-minded neoliberals” with Karl Marx, John Kenneth Galbraith and Ignacio Ramonet. Though rather limited in his range of interests, Progre’s command of carefully selected historical facts, abstruse statistical comparisons and arcane economic theory make him a formidable foe.

Coño... me ha quedado niquelado...

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